About Us

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering runs IEEE students’ branch in the department. It is the branch for the students by the students. IEEE student’s branch was established under the department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering on Jan, 2019.It is a professional body where professionals meet to exchange views and information, to learn and share ideas. Students of E & TC are members of IEEE student’s branch. IEEE Student Branch gives students the opportunity to meet and learn from fellow students, as well as faculty members and professionals in the field. An active IEEE Student Branch can be one of the most positive elements in a department offering programs in IEEE designated fields of Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology. The activities of the branch organize events like Seminars, Expert Lectures, and Workshops etc. to keep students updated with latest developments in various technologies. Student Branch activities offer numerous educational, technical, and professional advantages of IEEE membership through special projects, activities, meetings, tours and field trips.


“ The evenst listed here are from the year 2019 , when IEEE DYPIEMR was established i.e in the year 2019 and our section of IEEE has many feets for our contribution by our technical and many such events .

“ Lets take a glimpse of all “

Our Events

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